Minneapolis - building the WordPress source plugin for Metalsmith

In the last blog post, we saw how to create GraphQL queries representing our site content. This post will review integrating WordPress content into the Metalsmith static site generation process. This includes building a Metalsmith WordPress source plugin to fetch the site content from the WordPress API and convert it into Metalsmith file objects. Metalsmith will then create all static pages.

While our WordPress website is fully functional, it also makes the content available at the WordPress API URL.


If you are new to GraphQL, I'd recommend reviewing this introduction to WpGraphQL before continuing.

Metalsmith WordPress source plugin

For this project, we only use Posts and Pages. However, custom post types can be effortlessly incorporated as well. To gain valuable insights into crafting Metalsmith plugins, I recommend reviewing this resource for an excellent introduction.

Plugin options

In our plugin, we retrieve the navigation metadata and content for both posts and pages, as specified within the plugin options. The source plugin reads these options and verifies the requested content types. Subsequently, it fetches the necessary data and appends the navigation metadata to the Metalsmith metadata object. The implementation is carried out in the metalsmith.js file, exemplified as follows:


const wordpressSource = require("./local_modules/wordpress-source");

        source: "https://dev-mpls.pantheonsite.io/graphql/",
        contentTypes: ["posts", "pages"],

Here we provide the API source adress and tell the plugin to fetch all posts and pages.

Getting Pages

Let's have a look at how we get the pages content.


const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const queryString = require('./queries/pages');
const flatten = require('./flatten');

* getPages()
* Function to fetch all pages from a WordPress site.
* @returns {Array} contentTypes

module.exports = async function getPages(sourceURL) {
  const res = await fetch(sourceURL, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify({
      query: queryString,

  const rawData = await res.json();

  const pages = rawData.data.pages.nodes
    .filter((node) => node.sections.sections.length > 0)
    .map((node) => node);

  // flatten section objects
  for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {  
  return pages;

Here we fetch all page data from a source URL, parsing the response body text as JSON, which gives us a javascript object rawData, then we extract an array with all pages while discarding empty sections.

Finally, we flatten/simplify image and CTA data.


    obj.image.height = obj.image.url?.mediaDetails?.height;
    obj.image.width = obj.image.url?.mediaDetails?.width;
    obj.image.url = obj.image.url?.mediaItemUrl;

At this point we have built the files array with all pages.

    seo: {
      title: 'Home',
      metaDesc: 'A headless Wordpress - proof of concept site with GraphQL to feed Metalsmith',
      canonical: 'https://dev-mpls.pantheonsite.io/',
      opengraphTitle: 'Minneapolis',
      opengraphDescription: 'For Facebook - A headless WordPress - proof of concept site with GraphQL to feed Metalsmith',
      opengraphAuthor: '',
      opengraphModifiedTime: '2023-06-26T22:12:33+00:00',
      opengraphImage: [Object],
      opengraphUrl: 'https://dev-mpls.pantheonsite.io/',
      twitterTitle: 'Minneapolis',
      twitterDescription: 'For Twitter - A headless WordPress - proof of concept site with GraphQL to feed Metalsmith',
      twitterImage: [Object]
    slug: 'home',
    title: 'Home',
    parent: null,
    uri: '/',
    sections: { sections: [Array] },
    footerContent: { footerContent: null }
      ...next page
      ...next page

Building the GraphQL queries

Before we continue, let's step back and look at the query string we imported at the top of getPages.js as this file is the key to what we request from the WordPress API.

const queryString = require('./queries/pages');

pages.js defines a query string that requests all page sections data which we built with ACF Flexible Content fields in the WordPress backend.

const seo = require('./seo');
const ctaBanner = require('./ctaBanner');
const defaultFooter = require('./defaultFooter');
const featuredLogos = require('./featuredLogos');
const featuredResources = require('./featuredResources');
const fullPageBanner = require('./fullPageBanner');
const longText = require('./longText');
const media = require('./media');
const multiMedia = require('./multiMedia');
const minimalBanner = require('./minimalBanner');
const richFooter = require('./richFooter');
const imageOnly = require('./imageOnly');
const keyPoints = require('./keyPoints');
const videoOnly = require('./videoOnly');
const imageGallery = require('./imageGallery');
const tabs = require('./tabs');

module.exports = `
    pages {
      nodes {
        parent {
          node {
        sections {
          sections { 
            ${ctaBanner} }
        footerContent {
          footerContent {
            ... on Embed {

To make this query code manageable, we'll' use string fragments for each page section. If we compare the string with what we reviewed in our last blog post, we see that the structures are identical.

The plugin code

Now let's put this all together and look at the complete plugin code.


const getPosts = require('./getPosts');
const getPages = require('./getPages');
const getSiteMetadata = require('./getSiteMetadata');

* @typedef Options
* @property {String} <key></key>

/** @type {Options} */
const defaults = {
  source: "",
  contentTypes: ["pages"],

/** @type {ContentTypes} */
const knownContentTypes = ["posts", "pages"];

* Normalize plugin options
* @param {Options} [options]
* @returns {Object}
function normalizeOptions(options) {
  return Object.assign({}, defaults, options);

* A Metalsmith plugin to fetch content from WordPress
* @param {Options} option
* @returns {import('metalsmith').Plugin}
function initWordPressSource(options) {
  options = normalizeOptions(options);

  return async function metalsmithSourceWordPress(files, metalsmith, done) {
    const debug = metalsmith.debug('metalsmith-source-wordpress');
    debug('Running with options: %O', options);

    * Check if contentTypes are known
    for (const contentType of options.contentTypes) {
      if (!knownContentTypes.includes(contentType)) {
        throw new Error(
          `Unknown content type: ${contentType}. Known content types are: ${knownContentTypes.join(', ')}`

    const sourceURL = options.source;

    * Get site metadata
    const siteMetadata = await getSiteMetadata(sourceURL);
    // add site metadata to metalsmith metadata object
    metalsmith.metadata().nav = siteMetadata.nav;

    * Get all posts
    if (options.contentTypes.includes('posts')) {
      const allPosts = await getPosts(sourceURL);

      // loop over all posts and get the content for each post
      for (const post of allPosts) {
        // get the post name
        const postName = post.uri.substring(1, post.uri.length - 1);
        // add this post to the files object
        const fileName = postName + '.md';
        files[fileName] = {
          title: post.title,
          date: post.date,
          featuredImage: post.featuredImage,
          excerpt: post.excerpt,
          footerContent: post.footerContent.footerContent.content,
          layout: 'posts.njk',
          contents: post.content,
          mode: '0644',
          stats: {},
    * Get all pages
    if (options.contentTypes.includes('pages')) {
      const allPages = await getPages(sourceURL);

      // loop over all pages and get the content for each page
      for (const page of allPages) {
        // loop over all sections and get the content for each section
        let pageSections = [];

        for (const section of page.sections.sections) {
          // disregard empty sections
          if (Object.keys(section).length !== 0) {
            // get the section type
            const sectionType = Object.keys(section)[0];
            const thisSection = { section : sectionType, ...section[sectionType]};
            // assemble the pageSections object

        // get the page name
        const pageName = !!page.uri ? page.uri.substring(1, page.uri.length - 1) : page.slug;
        // add this page to the files object
        const fileName = page.uri === "/" ? 'index.md' : pageName + '.md';
        files[fileName] = {
          title: page.title,
          seo: page.seo,
          sections: pageSections,
          footerContent: page.footerContent.footerContent ? page.footerContent.footerContent.content : '',
          layout: page.slug == 'blog' ? 'blog.njk' : 'sections.njk',
          contents: Buffer.from(''),
          mode: '0644',
          stats: {},

    * Done

module.exports =  initWordPressSource;

The plugin can be broken down into three parts. First, we normalize the plugin options and validate the the post types are known. Second, we get the site metadata and add them to the Metalsmith metadata. And third, we get the content for each page and post, build their respective file objects and add it to the files object.

The complete site code, including the plugin code can be found in the Github Repository.

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