Building a Section Component with Leaflet Maps for Metalsmith

In this blog post, we will build a section component that renders a map using the popular Leaflet JS library.

Getting Started

Before diving into the code, visit Leaflet JS official site for any recent updates or to familiarize yourself with the documentation.

Setting Up The Frontmatter

The section component's frontmatter offers all the necessary properties to render a map with a set of markers. Here's what this looks like for our component:

- container: "section"
  name: "leaflet"
    isDisabled: false
    isAnimated: false
    containerId: ""
    containerClass: ""
    inContainer: false
    isNarrow: false
      color: ""
      image: ""
      isDark: false
    latitute: 51.509865
    longitude: -0.118092
    zoom: 10
    containerId: "map"
    containerHeight: 600
      - title: London
        latitute: 51.509865
        longitude: -0.118092
          title: "London"
          body: "London is a political, historical, cultural, and tourist center of the United Kingdom, an important city and commercial spot in Western Europe..."
          link: ""
      - title: Windsor Castle
        latitute: 51.483334
        longitude: -0.604167
          title: "Windsor Castle"
          body: "Windsor Castle is one of the most known buildings and a royal residence in the county of Berkshire..."
          link: ""

Templating with Nunjucks

Note how we attach marker info to the data-markers attribute. For the attribute value, we use a Nunjucks filter objToString to convert a markers Object to a string.

<div class="leaflet-wrapper section-inner">
  <div class="map-wrapper leaflet-map js-leaflet-map section-inner">
      id="{{ params.leaflet.containerId }}"
      data-latitute="{{ params.leaflet.latitute }}"
      data-longitude="{{ params.leaflet.longitude }}"
      data-zoom="{{ params.leaflet.zoom }}" 
      style="height: {{ params.leaflet.containerHeight }}px; width: 100%;" 
      data-markers="{{ params.leaflet.markers | objToString }}">

Note the use of the data-markers attribute. A Nunjucks filter, objToString, aids in converting the markers object into a string.

Rendering the Map with JavaScript

We will programmatically create the Leaflet script tag, ensuring it only loads when needed by a map component:

const loadLeaflet = (function() {
  const isStylesheetLoaded = (url) => {
    return Array.from(document.styleSheets).some(styleSheet => {
      if (styleSheet.href) {
        return styleSheet.href === url;
      return false;

  const loadStylesheet = (url, integrity, crossOrigin) => {
    if (!isStylesheetLoaded(url)) {
      const link = document.createElement('link');
      link.rel = 'stylesheet';
      link.href = url;
      link.integrity = integrity;
      link.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
    } else {
      console.log('Stylesheet is already loaded.');

  const loadLeafletScript = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (typeof L !== 'undefined') {

        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.type = 'text/javascript';
        script.src = '';
        script.integrity = 'sha256-20nQCchB9co0qIjJZRGuk2/Z9VM+kNiyxNV1lvTlZBo=';
        script.crossOrigin = '';

        script.onload = function() {

        script.onerror = function() {
            reject(new Error('Failed to load the Leaflet script.'));


  const init = () => {
    loadStylesheet('', 'sha256-p4NxAoJBhIIN+hmNHrzRCf9tD/miZyoHS5obTRR9BMY=', '');

    loadLeafletScript().then((res, err) => {
      const allMaps = document.querySelectorAll(".js-leaflet-map > div");

      allMaps.forEach(map => {
        const mapId = map.getAttribute('id');
        const mapContainer = document.getElementById(mapId);
        const latitute = mapContainer.dataset.latitute;
        const longitude = mapContainer.dataset.longitude;
        const zoom = mapContainer.dataset.zoom;
        const markers = JSON.parse(mapContainer.dataset.markers);
        const mapOptions = {
          center: [ latitute, longitude ],

        // paint the map
        const thisMap = new, mapOptions);
        const layer = new L.tileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png");

        // add markers
        markers.forEach(marker => {
          const markerTitle = marker.title;
          const markerContent = `
            <a href="${}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read more</a>`;
          const thisLatitute = marker.latitute;
          const thisLongitude = marker.longitude;
          const thisMarker = L.marker([thisLatitute, thisLongitude],{title: markerTitle })

          const showMarkerInfo = (e) => {
            var popup =;
            var content = popup.getContent();
          thisMarker.on('click', showMarkerInfo);


    }).catch(error => {

  return { init };

export default loadLeaflet;

This script consists of functions to:

  1. Check if a stylesheet is already loaded.
  2. Load the Leaflet stylesheet.
  3. Load the Leaflet JS script.
  4. Initialize and render the map with markers.


Incorporating a map into your Metalsmith project enhances your website's visual appeal and provides the interactivity that users expect. Integrating this feature becomes a breeze with the Leaflet JS library and the steps provided above.

A well-implemented map can significantly elevate the overall user experience. For instance, businesses can showcase their locations, educators can provide geographical references, travelers can share their journeys, and data scientists can visualize geographical data trends. It transforms a static page into an engaging, interactive space catering to diverse needs.

Moreover, the flexibility offered by Leaflet, combined with Metalsmith, ensures that developers can customize the map to fit various themes, designs, and functionalities, making it harmonious with the existing design language of the website.

In conclusion, while integrating a map component into your Metalsmith project might initially seem daunting, the rewards for user engagement, clarity of information, and overall website functionality are well worth the effort. Don't just tell your users; show them, guide them, and engage them with the immersive experience that a map can offer.

Have a look at a real-live example:

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