Building a Netlify CMS content model

I recently completed building a Metalsmith Netlify starter, which comes with in-built support for Netlify CMS. The basic CMS integration was quite straightforward, as I simply adhered to the tutorial presented in the Netlify documentation. Given the absence of a Metalsmith template, I chose to follow the Add to your site pathway. I've elaborated on this experience in my blog post titled Adding Netlify CMS to Metalsmith.

Upon finalizing the integration, I submitted the starter to Netlify CMS for potential inclusion in their Start with a Template section.

Having built numerous expansive sites with Metalsmith and Gatsby, I can attest to the challenges that can arise when updating configurations for a site's content model as it continues to grow. Within Netlify CMS, the content model is defined using YAML in config.yaml, located in the /admin folder. In my perspective, this approach comes with two primary drawbacks:

  • The use of YAML for writing
  • The swift transition to a convoluted mass of configuration data

I personally favor defining content models in a modular style, leveraging json or js, as this makes management considerably easier. Unfortunately, YAML doesn't support imports, thereby limiting the option of modularity. Hence, one large config.yaml file appears to be the only solution...or is it?

Upon delving deeper into the Beta Features section, I discovered the perfect solution: Manual Initialization. This revolutionary feature enables us to bypass config.yml and dynamically configure the CMS using JavaScript. This innovative approach allows us to define each content type in a distinct file.

Here is the admin folder for this implementation, along with all content model files:


  ├─ index.html
  ├─ templates
  │   ...
  └─ content-models
      ├─ index.js
      ├─ data.js
      ├─ pages.js
      └─ posts.js


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Netlify CMS</title>
      // This global flag enables manual initialization.
      window.CMS_MANUAL_INIT = true;
    <script src="^2.0.0/dist/netlify-cms.js"></script>
    <script type="module" src="./content-models/index.js"></script>
    <!-- Include Netlify Identity for authentication -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="module" src="./templates/index.js"></script>


import pages from "./pages.js";
import posts from "./posts.js";
import data from "./data.js";

const { CMS, initCMS: init } = window;

  config: {
    backend: {
      name: "git-gateway",
      branch: "main",
    local_backend: {
      url: "http://localhost:3002/api/v1",
    publish_mode: "editorial_workflow",
    media_folder: "src/assets/images",
    public_folder: "assets/images",
    collections: [pages, posts, data],


const pages = {
  name: "pages",
  label: "Pages",
  folder: "src/content/",
  create: true,
  slug: "{{slug}}",
  fields: [
      label: "Layout",
      name: "layout",
      widget: "hidden",
      default: "simple.njk",
      label: "Body Class",
      name: "bodyClass",
      widget: "string",
      required: false,
      label: "SEO",
      name: "seo",
      widget: "object",
      summary: "SEO Properties",
      fields: [
          label: "Title",
          name: "title",
          widget: "string",
          label: "Description",
          name: "description",
          widget: "string",
          label: "Social Image",
          name: "socialImage",
          widget: "image",
          required: false,
          label: "Canonical Overwrite",
          name: "canonicalOverwrite",
          widget: "string",
          required: false,
      label: "Body",
      name: "body",
      widget: "markdown",
      required: false,

export default pages;


const posts = {
  name: "posts",
  label: "Posts",
  folder: "src/content/blog",
  create: true,
  slug: "{{slug}}",
  fields: [
      label: "Layout",
      name: "layout",
      widget: "hidden",
      default: "blog-post.njk",
      label: "Body Class",
      name: "bodyClass",
      widget: "string",
      required: false,
      label: "SEO",
      name: "seo",
      widget: "object",
      summary: "SEO Properties",
      fields: [
          label: "Title",
          name: "title",
          widget: "string",
          label: "Description",
          name: "description",
          widget: "string",
          label: "Social Image",
          name: "socialImage",
          widget: "image",
          required: false,
          label: "Canonical Overwrite",
          name: "canonicalOverwrite",
          widget: "string",
          required: false,
      label: "Blog Title",
      name: "blogTitle",
      widget: "string",
      label: "Publish Date",
      name: "publishDate",
      widget: "dateTime",
      label: "Author",
      name: "author",
      widget: "string",
      required: false,
      label: "Image",
      name: "image",
      widget: "image",
      required: false,
      label: "Featured Blogpost",
      name: "featuredBlogpost",
      widget: "boolean",
      required: false,
      label: "Featured Blogpost Order",
      name: "featuredBlogpostOrder",
      widget: "number",
      required: false,
      label: "Excerpt",
      name: "excerpt",
      widget: "string",
      required: false,
      label: "Body",
      name: "body",
      widget: "markdown",
      required: false,

export default posts;


const data = {
  name: "data",
  label: "Data",
  files: [
      label: "Navigation",
      name: "navigation",
      file: "src/content/data/navigation.json",
      fields: [
          label: "Menu",
          name: "menu",
          widget: "list",
          fields: [
              label: "Label",
              name: "label",
              widget: "string",
              label: "URL",
              name: "url",
              widget: "string",
              label: "Body Class",
              name: "bodyClass",
              widget: "string",
      label: "Site",
      name: "site",
      file: "src/content/data/site.json",
      fields: [
          label: "Title",
          name: "title",
          widget: "string",
          label: "Description",
          name: "description",
          widget: "string",
          label: "Author",
          name: "author",
          widget: "string",
          label: "Site URL",
          name: "siteUrl",
          widget: "string",
          label: "Site Owner",
          name: "siteOwner",
          widget: "string",
          label: "Validate",
          name: "validate",
          widget: "object",
          summary: "Validation",
          fields: [
              label: "Google",
              name: "google",
              widget: "string",
              required: false,
              label: "Bing",
              name: "bing",
              widget: "string",
              required: false,
          label: "Social",
          name: "social",
          widget: "object",
          summary: "Social",
          fields: [
              label: "LinkedIn",
              name: "linkedIn",
              widget: "string",
              required: false,
              label: "GitHub",
              name: "gitHub",
              widget: "string",
              required: false,
          label: "Social Image",
          name: "socialImage",
          widget: "image",
          required: false,

export default data;

You can review the whole site code for the Metalsmith Netlify Starter at Github.

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